Hydromassage Systems
Body massage by water jets has been known for centuries as a means of stimulation of physiological processes, positive energy and health maintenance
Due to the advancement of technology and production processes, water massage bathtubs are available to a wide range of people taking care of their and health of their beloved.
Buyers of massage systems today are owners and constructors of private and community residences, sports clubs, fitness centres, beauty salons, physiotherapy insitutes, spas and alike.

Polyagram has a twenty years' experience in production of massage systems and more than ten years' tradition in development and designing of its own models customized to the needs of respective segments of business markets.
Polyagram has been supplying massage system components from the best and renowned producers. Polyagram produces two basic types of massage systems as its standard products. The first system is aimed at water massage whose major components are standard and micro nozzles and noiseless water pump with appropriate regulations and commands. The second system is mostly combined with the first one and it provides intensive air flow through suitable air nozzles. This air system significantly intensifies massage effects and generates air flow by a l silent compressor. Installment and commands are designed to provide complete safety of users. Massage systems can be installed in all our bathtubs as illustrated on the following photos.